Tuesday, September 23, 2014


When I started seeing a therapist for depression, I was given a list of symptoms which I had to check off. Not everyone has all the symptoms, but when you have several of them and they are persistent, you must seek help.
Here are the signs or symptoms of depression:
  • Sleep too much or can't sleep (I couldn't sleep)
  • Have a hard time concentrating or finding easy tasks hard (I found easy stuff as a challenge)
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness (I felt hopeless)
  • Negative thoughts out of control (I couldn't stop my negative thoughts, no matter how hard I tried)
  • Loss of appetite or eating too much (I had little interest in food.)
  • More irritable, short-tempered or aggressive than usual (I was irritable and shot-tempered)
  • Drink more alcohol then usual or become involved in other reckless behavior
  • Thoughts of taking your life (I felt my life was useless and I'd be better off dead.) If you have this feeling, seek help right away!
  • Unexplained aches and pains (Not only did my soul ache, but my body ached.)
If you have several of these symptoms seek help. It's these symptoms that make you feel like you fell down the hole of darkness.
If you don't have insurance, look for places with a sliding fee and places that are state funded. When I was in college, I found a place which provided therapy and a psychiatrist with a sliding fee. They also helped me find programs to get my medication for free.
With medication and therapy, you can also dance in the light like I have and am doing. Without help your depression could become worse. No one should spend their life in darkness when reaching the light is possible.
I found these symptoms at www.helpguide.org and you can also find them at Anxiety and Depression Association (the website can be found on the sidebar of my blog). There is also advice on these sites on how to find help.


  1. once again, a great blog!! this will definitely be of great help to many people! Keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Aimee,
    I liked how you provided relevant details/links for people to check out on the spot.
    Also, naming the list of signs/symptoms is very helpful. You are very transparent, which means you are approachable and open so that others do not feel so alone in their search for peace, as they struggle to climb up into the light. God bless you for using your pain as a stepping stone to help others identify their own symptoms. Thank you!
