Tuesday, September 16, 2014


When The mind is plagued with darkness thoughts become distorted. In college, when I got a lower than normal grade on a test my heart plummeted. I automatically thought I was a failure. When I got a good grade I felt like a winner. There was no in between.

When I received my low grade, tears threaten to spill and my chest tightened. “I'm a looser”, sang through my mind. “They were right about me in high school; I'm a retard. I don't belong in college.” The more my negative thoughts filled my mind the further down the whole I fell.

When I was unable to get the degree I wanted in college (due to my learning disability) and I became a cashier instead of going on to a four year college, I once again thought I was a failure. Even though I worked hard to prove myself in high school and then in college, I couldn't even get a communication degree. Instead of going on to a four year college, all I could do was work in a grocery store. I was sure I failed. I believed I proved everyone right; I was a retard who couldn't do anything right.

I learned in therapy that this type of thinking was

all-or-nothing thinking.” The book Feeling Good The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns, M.D. describes it as seeing everything as black or white--shades of gray do not exist. In other words, I saw myself either as a winner or a failure. I couldn't see the other good things in my life; like I graduated from college, I had stories published, and I was working a job despite my illness.

My therapist taught me I didn't need a high paying job, or a degree in communications to be successful. I learned not everything goes the way I plan and that does not make me a failure, but human. I realized I didn't need to be perfect to still be a winner.

In life there are gray periods where we don't always come out on top. We are not always perfect. It took me a while to believe this.

I no longer have to prove myself, because I already have. No one in high school believed I'd even make it to college, let alone get a degree and I have a associate degree in Humanities. Someone once told me because I have a mental illness, I couldn't work and yet I have been working the same job for 19 years.

Sometimes I still fall into the all-or-nothing thinking, but I have a wonderful husband who reminds me I don't have to be perfect to be a winner. I now know there is a gray spot in our lives, but it is only a part of life.


  1. another great post!! and i do agree with your hubby. :) keep up the great work!

  2. Oh Aimee, please know that you can succeed at whatever you do because it's the heart behind our actions that make us successful. And you have so much heart! I'm so glad you can see the

    Oh Aimee, Please know that you can be successful at whatever you attempt because it's our hearts that determine our success. And you have so much heart! That's also right, there are many grey areas that lie in our path. But I believe we can celebrate even the grey areas because we had courage to attempt something. I imagine that the people you bring lots of joy to those people you wait on. And you said, you love your customers. That sounds like you bring a lot to that job and to their lives as you smile. The Bible says "Do whatever we do as unto the Lord," and He will bless it. Know your value! God divinely places us where we can impact people's lives. And we don't even know we're doing it. When someone says, "you can't do that," do it ~ if you want to. Don't let others define who you are or what you think of yourself. This all-or-nothing is dangerous in that limits us. Accept the grey. BUT keep on dancing in the light!! Seek it out. Remember that you amazing and loved! And you are contributing to the world in your wonderful unique way. xx Amy
