Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Once you have reached recovery, a light shines on you. You find a whole new perspective on life. You start finding joy in everything around you and even in the small stuff. The things in your life you couldn't enjoy while you were sick, you now embrace with delight. Suddenly, you know that if the darkness does come around, you are strong enough to rise above it.

Now that I am in recovery, I am looking at my life and myself differently. I am not cured of my mental illness, but I am stronger and in control it. I have found new meaning in my life. My life is no longer hopeless or worthless. I am happy with my husband, my home, and my job. I have a good life and a bright future. A future filled with dreams, goals, and love.

When I was sick, I saw no future for myself and no happiness. Life to me was an endless dark pit and I thought there was no way out, but there is a way out. It's a struggle, but it's worth fighting for. I now see that life is worth living and within it are happiness, beautiful memories, dreams to reach for and hope.

Now that I am in recovery I have found joy in just being alive. Each breath I take is a creation by a higher being that is beautiful. The sun shines brighter than I ever thought it could. The skies are bluer and my days no longer seem mundane. My soul is no longer empty. It's filled with purpose and happiness.

I am much more than I once thought I was. I'm not just a cashier; I'm a friend, a person who listens, a pair of arms to give a hug, a smile to cheer up a sad soul, and much more. I am now a friend who no longer needs extra support, but one who cares, who listens, who supports and gives advice. I am not just a dependent wife, but one who gives back, who takes care of my husband, and offers love and support. I am more than just a person who is struggling with an illness. I am a person who has risen above her illness and reaches out to inspire and support others.

The joy of living isn't just seeing the world around you differently, but also seeing yourself differently. It's taking the negativity of life and turning it into a rainbow of positivity. It's facing the bad days and rising above them. It's fighting those unwanted thoughts and taking control of them. It's falling down only to pull yourself back up. It's knowing I fought an awful illness and won. It's living life to the fullest and taking nothing for granted.

Reach for recovery and find your joy of living. Fighting for recovery has shown me life is worth living and my life is a precious gift from God. For me, each day within the light has a new meaning.

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