life gets complicated and tests your mental wellbeing and strength.
This world is full of ups and downs. You never know what life will
throw your way. It seems like you solve one problem and another one
comes up. When this happens, it's how you handle it that makes all
the difference.
year I went almost 6 months with a boot on my foot. I went to
physical therapy for almost as long. I had foot surgery and got an
infection in the surgery site. When I finally healed, I thought my
life was back on track. What else could go wrong? Then about 3 months
ago, I started having pain in my knee while walking down stairs and
in my shoulder each time I moved it. Once again, I was sent back to
physical therapy.
3 months of therapy, my therapist said I was doing well and I only
needed to do one more month. I thought, “Great I'm getting better
therapy will be over soon and I will be back to normal.” Then about
two weeks ago, life spit in my face and my shoulder started hurting
more. My physical therapist suggested I go to the doctor. The doctor
suggested I may have an injury and I had to get an x-ray and a MRI.
started panicking. What if I need surgery? What if I have a serious
problem? If I need surgery, how would we pay our bills? Why is God
letting this happen to me again? Am I being punished? Wasn't what I
went through last year enough? I can't do surgery again. Tears
threatened to spill and I swallowed them. Once again I started
magnifying the situation. I lay down on my couch as thoughts raced.
my husband came home, he held my hand and reminded me not to worry
about the future. He told me to only worry about the present. He was
right. My pain could be something simple, but by worrying about it, I
was making it into a huge problem. I decided to try and focus on
other stuff, like taking my dog to get her nails cut, Lou taking me
to lunch, working on my writing and watching my favorite television
show. Keeping my mind busy helped me push my problem aside.
remembered what my mom told me, God never gives us more then we can
handle. This was just another challenge I had to face. A challenge of
my strength to face my mental illness. It's only with God's help and
my inner determination I can handle what is to come.
is never easy and things always go wrong just when we think
everything is good. Turning to my husband and friends to remind me of
the positive and turning to God for help is what keeps me in the
Another great post!! Keep up the great work!