Tuesday, January 13, 2015


A problem I have experienced with my illness is becoming attached to people. This is also a symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder. I see a person as this wonderful being who can do no wrong. I suddenly need this person's full attention and I need him or her to be there for me no matter what. I feel as if I can't go on without this person.
Sometimes, I developed attachments to people who didn't know how I felt. I craved their attention and their simple kind acts became much more to me.
I became attached to a manager where I worked and yet I rarely had a chance to have a full conversation with her. This manager was extra nice to me when I was going through a rough time. She rubbed my back when I cried in her office. Every day I looked for her. I needed her to notice me, to say hi. When she didn't, I felt my heart sink. I wanted to talk to her, but I couldn't. She hadn't the slightest idea that I needed her to notice me.
I also developed attachments to friend's. I needed my friends full attention. I felt like I had to talk with or see my friend each day. I called my friend excessively and tried to make many plans with her. I expected her to handle all my problems. When she was not available, I got very upset and felt like she was abandoning me. I often over stepped my boundaries and expected too much.
Even when a friend became mean or abusive, I couldn't let go. I stayed in bad relationships because I felt as if I couldn't survive without that person. The other person had to end the relationship because I couldn't. When it ended, I fell apart and thought my life was over.
In therapy I learned friendships go two ways. I had to give as much as the other person did. My therapist taught me how to respect my friends' boundaries and to accept that just because a friend is not available does not mean she or he is turning away from me. I learn that no person is perfect and how to stop expecting them to be.
Now I'm attached to my husband and he spoils me rotten. I know he'll never leave me and he loves to give me attention. I take care of his needs and show him my love. I have healthier friendships and I am able to participate in my friendships.
I still develop attachments to people, but now I know how to handle them and not let my need for their attention control me.


  1. Hi Aimee,
    Thank you for sharing this topic. It IS difficult to find the right balance even without any issues. I've always thought of solid friendship like the ebb and flow of the tide. Sometimes the friendship washes up to shore and it's there, up close for a time.Sometimes it gets pulled away for a time. But it comes back again. Bad friendships come like thunderstorms and should be washed away forever. (Just thought of that!) Thank you for being open and honest. Amy
